Insights Unveiled: Workforce Engagement, Gaming Power, Customer Ghosting, and Retail Media Success

Empower your team, delight customers, and stay ahead of the game with our latest insights! Boost workforce engagement, combat loneliness, prevent customer ghosting, and hire right for success. Unveil effective strategies to tackle these crucial topics shaping today's landscape. Discover how gaming can combat Gen Z loneliness, enhance customer experiences, and unlock the secret to success through hiring the right candidate. Skyrocket team productivity by up to 25%! Stay informed, empower your team, and delight your customers.

The UK has one of the least engaged workforces in the world

  • A report by Gallup reveals that 9 out of 10 UK workers are disengaged with their work, with only 10% of workers feeling engaged, one of the lowest rates in Europe.

  • The cost of living crisis in the UK, including falling real wages and rising inflation, has contributed to the negative sentiment among employees.

  • Disengaged employees pose challenges such as increased stress levels, mental health problems, higher absenteeism, decreased productivity, and higher attrition rates.

  • Confidence in the UK job market has declined, with only 36% of people believing it is a good time to find a job, while the rest of Europe shows growing job-market confidence.

  • Employers are advised to invest in benefits and perks packages to improve employee engagement, focusing on opportunities for learning and development, and discount schemes, as monetary incentives may not be feasible in the current economic instability.

According to Gallup's State of the Global Workplace 2023 report, investing in employee engagement strategies can significantly reduce staff turnover and improve productivity. Businesses that prioritise employee benefits, perks, and learning opportunities have a higher chance of attracting and retaining talented individuals in a competitive job market.

The Power of Play: Gen Z's cure to loneliness

Lorenzo Perosino, Strategist at We Are Social Netherlands, explains how Gen Z has been labelled ‘The Lonely Generation’, and how they use gaming to form meaningful connections.

  • Gen Z is labelled as "The Lonely Generation" due to their struggle with loneliness and disconnection.

  • Studies reveal that 73% of Gen Z individuals admit to feeling alone, and 60% have experienced loneliness in the past year.

  • Video games have emerged as a surprising remedy for loneliness among Gen Z, providing avenues for connection and companionship.

  • Gamefluencers, streamers, and online communities within the gaming world play a crucial role in fostering social relationships and creating a sense of belonging.

  • Video games offer connection and a space for self-expression, self-discovery, stress relief, and increased self-confidence for Gen Z gamers.

  • Brands can leverage the power of video games by aligning their values with gaming culture, creating authentic and purposeful experiences, and focusing on community, joyful interactions, and inclusion.

The article highlights how video games have become a social safe space for Gen Z individuals, offering them opportunities to connect, express their authentic selves, and alleviate stress and anxiety. This phenomenon reveals that companies seeking to recruit Gen Z talent should consider incorporating gaming-related activities or platforms into their recruitment strategies. By recognizing the power of video games to foster relationships and a sense of belonging, employers can tap into this unique aspect of Gen Z's social landscape to attract and engage potential candidates effectively.

Gen Z customers would rather ghost you than complain

  • Gen Z customers are more likely to ghost a brand than to raise a complaint if their expectations are not met.

  • A report by Coveo reveals that customer patience is dwindling, and negative experiences can prompt customers to leave a brand without notice.

  • A growing number of respondents, including Gen Z, rarely or never complain about negative digital customer service experiences.

  • Difficulties speaking with an actual person, conflicting information from representatives, and inability to locate information on their own are the top reasons for ghosting a brand.

  • Businesses can improve the self-service experience by providing direct answers in search results, implementing more intelligent chatbots, and offering advanced filtering and content recommendations. Prioritizing convenience and proactive service is crucial to prevent customer ghosting.

Gen Z candidates value convenience and efficiency in the recruitment process, preferring digital methods over traditional approaches. To attract and engage Gen Z talent, companies should prioritize streamlined and user-friendly online application processes, utilize technology-driven recruitment tools, and provide clear and relevant information at every stage of the hiring journey.

76% believe the quality of advertiser experience most important aspect of retail 

  • A study conducted by Epsilon and Phronesis Partners surveyed 689 brands and retailers across 12 countries to understand their perception and approaches to retail media.

  • Respondents identified inconsistent targeting and disparate reporting as the top inefficiency drivers of retail media, leading to frustration among brands and retailers.

  • Sixty-four percent of respondents believe that retail media networks with multiple technology providers have a negative impact on shoppers.

  • Only 37 percent of retailers are utilizing off-site retail media monetization, and audience targeting customization/accuracy is identified as a top barrier to adoption.

  • Seventy-six percent of respondents believe that the quality of advertiser experience is the most important aspect of retail media, while 75 percent prioritize the amount of available inventory.

When hiring for retail media positions, prioritising candidates with a strong understanding of delivering exceptional advertiser experiences can significantly contribute to the success of retail media strategies and offerings.

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